By Avinash (camper)

We had CUG camp on the 21-23 of July, woohooo!!!

It was really fun and I loved everything, HAHAHA!

The camp started in a relaxed way with ample time to bond and get to know the other campers. The second day had more activities, such as sessions by the speaker Ps. Lemuel, as well the team-building game which was definitely one of the highlights of the camp for me.

Speaking about things I enjoyed, I really liked the ice-breaking games, as I found them really creative and easy to understand. I think a personal favourite was the posing game (definitely not because my group mates and I planned it 😁).

Our last day ended with a session that was a little different because Ps. Lemuel prayed for each of us individually. It was the first time I had been prayed for and a really wonderful experience. It was also then that I accepted Christ.

Sadly, the camp ended after 3 days. Overall, I enjoyed everything that happened during my 2nd CUG camp. I had so much fun meeting new people. The food was kind of interesting! I even tried some dishes I had never eaten before.

By Faith (camp committee)

It still feels somewhat surreal that camp is over already. The planning took around 2 months. It started around the time that Impact Camp ended, so the adrenaline of camp vibes was still pumping. My favourite part of the camp was probably seeing everyone having fun during the games and activities we planned. I think I speak for most of the committee members that we had our fun during the planning phase, so we hope the campers enjoyed it as well.

Special shoutout as always to Eugene! Thank you for keeping CUG up and running, and making sure everything goes smoothly every week. Lastly, a shout-out to my fellow committee members – Miriam, Wei Xin, Ee-Lynn, Lyly (Alyssa), and my sister Tiffany! Thanks for making camp so special, we make a pretty good team 😀 All glory to God ❤️

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