Building healthy relationships, marriages and families


Are you currently in a serious dating relationship?

Exploring the possibility of marriage in less than 2 years?

Want to build strong foundations for your future together?

Here in PJEFC, we believe in journeying with couples to explore marriage through the Pre-marital Counseling (PMC) programme. We are committed to help you and your partner invest in your relationship for a lasting marriage that will honour Christ and bring blessing to people around you. 

More than a programme or going through a ‘marriage manual’, a couple-mentor will be assigned to walk with you throughout the entire process, which takes about 6 to 8 months. They will serve as your guide. You can ask them anything and raise any questions you may have on marriage. While our primary objective for PMC is not on how to plan a wedding, the couple-mentor can be consulted upon. They will be able to point you towards the right people/direction. 


“Marriage is designed to be the closest possible relationship of increasing intimacy and growing interdependence. But this is not automatic, we have to keep working at our marriage if we’re to stay closely connected.”

The Marriage Course

This course helps couples navigate the modern challenges of marriage. It is designed based on Christian principles to help couples of all faiths strengthen their relationship.

Are you ready to invest in your marriage?

Marriage Counseling (1-to1)

We are committed to journey with couples who may struggle with the challenges of marriage or need someone to talk and get input, counsel, and prayer.

Will you let us journey with you?


We believe in intentional family discipleship. Every parent has the wonderful privilege and great responsibility to disciple our children for a life of faith and faithfulness. The best thing is, we don’t have to do it all alone. 

Parenting Team

Our aim is to equip and walk with parents to be aware of our roles, learn what we must do to nurture our children, and be empowered through the fellowship and participation from fellow parents.

Need to speak with someone regarding your parenting needs?

Single Parent Support Group

SPSG exists to provide this safe place for single parents in our community. Our desire is seeing single parents find a sense of belonging in our community, be restored and healed from loneliness and isolation, and to experience God’s deep love for them.

Are you a single parent?

How are you coping thus far?