【Service】 Looking Back, Looking Forward
Main Sanctuary (Ground Level)Scripture Isaiah 54:2-3; 43:18-21 Speaker Reverend Alexa Ho Unable to join us onsite? Join us online or listen to sermon audio after the service.
Scripture Isaiah 54:2-3; 43:18-21 Speaker Reverend Alexa Ho Unable to join us onsite? Join us online or listen to sermon audio after the service.
A time for children and tweens to learn about the Bible, Jesus and Christianity. It is a great place for them to make friends and build relationships.
经文 弗2: 1-10 讲员 陈业宏长老 不能与我们实体崇拜?请在线崇拜。
A time set aside for believers to get together and engage in prayer as a group.
A time set aside for believers to get together and engage in prayer as a group.
A time set aside for believers to get together and engage in prayer as a group.
College University Group (CUG) is a community for 17-23 year-olds. Engage in enriching activities, events, and discussions tailored to your college journey.
Interested in contributing food items to the Foodbank? Donate to us. Click here for the list of items.
A time set aside for believers to get together and engage in prayer as a group.
Scripture Acts 2:42-47, Ephesians 4:11-13 Speaker Reverend Dr David Wong Unable to join us onsite? Join us online or listen to sermon audio after the service.