Event Series Alpha 27

Alpha 27

Studio 1 (Ground Level)

Why am I here? Where am I heading? Alpha is a safe space where we explore together the questions of life, faith and meaning.

【Service】 Serve: Here I Am, Send Me

Main Sanctuary (Ground Level)

Scripture Matthew 20:26, Ephesians 2:10 Unable to join us onsite? Join us online or listen to sermon audio after the service.

Event Series Sunday School

Grow Kids

Multiple Sites

A time for children and tweens to learn about the Bible, Jesus and Christianity. It is a great place for them to make friends and build relationships. 

Event Series Alpha 27

Alpha 27

Studio 1 (Ground Level)

Why am I here? Where am I heading? Alpha is a safe space where we explore together the questions of life, faith and meaning.

Event Series Sunday School

Grow Kids

Multiple Sites

A time for children and tweens to learn about the Bible, Jesus and Christianity. It is a great place for them to make friends and build relationships.