Tuesday Prayer Meeting
ZoomA time set aside for believers to get together and engage in prayer as a group. Meeting ID: 853 4944 2203 Passcode: pjefcpray Join here.
A time set aside for believers to get together and engage in prayer as a group. Meeting ID: 853 4944 2203 Passcode: pjefcpray Join here.
Calling all seniors to come celebrate the most wonderful time of the year at our Christmas JOY event! We'll sing, play games, enjoy a special presentation, listen to Elder Chee… Continue reading 【JOY】 Christmas Gathering
While there is no prayer meeting this Wednesday, shall we remain united and pray the Lord's prayer.
Scripture Luke 1:39-45 Speaker Pastor Melissa Chan Unable to join us onsite? Join us online or listen to sermon audio after the service.
经文 约 17:24-26 讲员 林思豪弟兄 不能与我们实体崇拜?请在线崇拜。
A time set aside for believers to get together and engage in prayer as a group. Meeting ID: 853 4944 2203 Passcode: pjefcpray Join here.
A time set aside for believers to get together and engage in prayer as a group. Meeting ID: 853 4944 2203 Passcode: pjefcpray Join here.
Interested in contributing food items to the Foodbank? Donate to us. Click here for the list of items.
Scripture John 3:16-17 Speaker Pastor Jeremy Lim Unable to join us onsite? Join us online or listen to sermon audio after the service.
经文 诗 126:1-6 讲员 郑一献传道 不能与我们实体崇拜?请在线崇拜。