By Mun Fen
My very first mission trip, which was to Nias, Indonesia, was an eventful adventure with God even before we flew off. I felt as if God was testing the mission team, just like how He sent Jesus into the wilderness to test Him. God wanted to test our faithfulness to Him. Two days before departure, we got the much dreaded news – Rev. Alexa tested Covid positive! She was supposed to be the main speaker for this team-building retreat for the Chalis staff.
However, quick as she is, she reorganised the team, delegating her roles to a few in the team and appointing a new team leader for this trip. The plan and schedule were put back on track after the reorganisation.
God was not done testing us yet; He wanted us to trust Him. The day before departure, at noon, I couldn’t believe the message that came in. Leon was down with Covid! He was supposed to be the game master for the team building activities. Again, plans had to be reshuffled and Jemima was made the sole game master with support from the team.
And God sent His obedient servant, Ps Melissa, to join us in the eleventh hour. She willingly availed herself, packed up and travelled within 15 hours before departure! She completed the team.
Nothing would stop us from marching on. But the testing’s not over yet. There was one more for the team before we were released to the field. He wanted His mission team to know that He was in charge and to trust Him fully.
Our new team leader, Ps Joshua, discovered at the airport that he had forgotten to bring his passport! What? How to leave the country? We really had to submit this last challenge to God as only He could deliver us out of the wilderness to go across the sea. We had to trust God that the important document would arrive on time through Ps Joshua’s wife. And indeed, God was good as Ps Joshua managed to pull through and obtain the boarding ticket even though it was less than an hour before the flight departure. I was so very glad when we finally landed safely at the Nias airport.
It was a blessing to be on this mission trip to witness God’s work at the Chalis Foundation and God’s presence amongst the Chalis team members. They were so much on fire for God in their worship, so attentive throughout the sessions and so willingly and enthusiastically participated in the activities. I was also impressed by Rev. Ria’s humility and willingness to get feedback and learn from our team members who are all much younger than she.
I also learned how our senior pastor and our new pastor managed such challenging situations with so much peace and calm. All in all, it was such a blessing to take part in this mission trip.

Get Involved
🎥 Watch the mission trip recap and feel the fire.
🙏 Pray for Rev. Ria as she continues to lead the Chalis team and ask God to grant her wisdom and perseverance in fulfilling the vision of Chalis.
🙏 Pray for God to prepare the hearts of the Chalis team members who desire to be sent out as missionaries from Nias and equip them accordingly.