The NEST CG was really looking forward to a long awaited retreat to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, to meet in person (!) and have an encounter with God in the midst of His beautiful creation at Methodist Centre, Port Dickson. This time, we decided to have the retreat during the fasting month (9 -10 April) to avoid the crowd.
What was the special memory you (your family or whole CG) cherish from this retreat?
Ting Kun & Christina: We cherished every moment together as a CG family during the weekend. Relaxing at the beach, having meals together and fellowshipping at McD were truly enjoyable. We encouraged small families to share the 2-bedroom suite for bonus bonding time. Also there was the extra special memory of having to do the pre-retreat RTK tests and posting the photos of the results in the WhatsApp group. It was all very amusing and unprecedented.
Did you have any apprehension about going for the CG retreat? What were they and how were they managed?
Albert & Cheryl: Initially, we were rather worried as it was still at the pandemic level. We were mainly concerned for our younger children, that they would be infected by Covid. However, Cheryl and I thought deeply and prayed about it and we decided to go in faith, with God’s protection for the CG. We just needed to be vigilant by adhering to the SOP, such as wearing masks at all times (except makan time) and sanitising our hands during the retreat.
What was the itinerary and which was your favourite part? Why was it a highlight for you?
Raymond & Joyce: Our favourite part was the outdoor activities. After more than 2 years of not having any CG retreat, it was a very good time of fellowship, lots of fun, beautiful memories and encouraging one another to enjoy the beautiful creation of GOD. The retreat was a great opportunity for the CG family to spend time together in a very relaxed way.
What do you think God was speaking to the CG through this retreat? How did the CG experience God?
Chris: The retreat was a regrouping of the cell members. We were almost like strangers after 2 years because we only had our CG meetings online. So it was like a coming together once again after being apart for some time. In a way, it was symbolic of us coming back together to move together in the same direction as a CG instead of each member going his/her own way. Although we met via zoom, we cherished the time we used to be physically present with one another. Perhaps this is also indicative that we need to reach out to others in person, physically, if we hope to grow the CG in terms of numbers. We have always been a CG that cares for and supports one another and this is crucial to the life of the CG. By being together again, we are reminded of what it is like to once again be there for one another. Over the 2 years or so, we have drifted apart to a certain extent and the retreat reminds us to once again draw near to one another in the love of Christ.
How has NEST grown or benefitted from this retreat? What are the fruits that you see?
James & Sandy: During the past 2 years, NEST hasn’t grown much in physical fellowship, which everyone missed. We still get to see each other via Zoom.
As to the fruits that we see :
- Patience, especially the kids. They were extremely patient waiting for our last day lunch at 1pm although we all finished our service quite early.
- Flexibility – we were quite flexible with the program due to some untoward circumstances. In unity, we were able to do it.

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