By Marcus Ding

It was my second time going to the Cell Group Leaders (CGL) meeting and being new as an Assistant CGL for DUYA, it was pretty daunting at first to be in a meeting where it feels that everyone is familiar with the environment and knows what they are doing. Nevertheless, I was opened to a different perspective and reflection.

A reflection I gained was how much we can always learn in our faith journey. During the meeting, Pastor Melissa shared the statistics of participation for this year’s Disciple Making Month. I was encouraged by how members of the church of different ages and spiritual maturity are committed to be equipped in His Word and by the CG leaders’ commitment. There is always something new to learn and do in our faith journey, be it theological, Scriptural, or even practical. God will always honour our desire to deepen our knowledge of and relationship with our Him.

We grouped ourselves into small groups of 4-5 to pray for each other’s CG and had a time of sharing our struggles and difficulties in the CG and our personal lives. I was personally encouraged to know that we all – the leaders – have trials and struggles but ultimately, we surrendered to God together. That provided a sense of peace to me, and reminded me that we can trust Him collectively as a group.

In conclusion, I am deeply inspired that the wider community of CG sharpens us in various ways, especially through encouragement and prayer. I’m definitely very blessed to be part of the church life, to grow together and ultimately build His kingdom with the wider community.

To all who are seeking to grow in their faith, find a CG to attend because our faith journey is much more vibrant when we have a community to walk together with.

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🙏 Spend 1 minute to pray for your CG now.