By Kar Soon
Translation may not be entirely accurate, but we hope it helps convey the testimony
This was my first time attending a church camp with my spiritual family and experiencing the fellowship of a gospel-centred church. The theme for the camp “Living Out the Gospel,” based on Galatians 2:20, helped me realise that we cannot depend on our own strength to live out the Christian life.
Through group discussions, I came to understand the transformative power of living according to the gospel. Living by Christ and allowing the gospel to take root in us brings real change to our lives. I came to realise that I am no longer alienated from God, and that my salvation is not due to my own efforts. Rather, it is by the Father’s grace, who sent His only Son, Jesus, to live a sinless life and be crucified to justify us. Galatians 2:20 calls us to live a life of dependence on Christ.
I discovered that my perfectionism was a fierce idol that had hindered my relationship with God. This rebellious “self” had kept me from seeing that God had already accepted me through Jesus and given me the identity of a child, an heir of the covenant with Abraham. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can fulfil God’s will like Jesus did. This knowledge gives me the patience, love, and peace to share the Gospel, to bear one another’s burdens, and to live out the gospel authentically.

Original article in Chinese
这是PJEFC中文教会的展望。最近PJEFC 中文堂主办的三天两夜“活出福音的夜营会”展现了中文堂展望为。我第一次与教会家人去营会。在今年这营主题“活出福音” 处于加拉太书2:20让我明白. 我们在为神工作不是自己。虽然我是新来不久也不是委员我领域到福音中心的教会团契。
我和小组分享实现的分享福音。这么凭基督活着照着福音在生活上带来改变。通过小组分享,我明白我再也不是神的仇敌。而我的救恩不是我的功劳而是神父赐他的独身儿子-耶稣过着无罪的生活被钉在十字架上把我们称义。我明白在加拉太书的Galatians2:20 的生活是这么的。当我们在侍奉时,我们的力量与恩赐都是从神而来的。我发现我的完美主义是个凶猛的偶像,这背叛的 “自我” 阻挡了神已通过耶稣接纳了我反而赐给我儿子身份,与亚伯拉罕同约承受产业。其中是神灵我们可以靠着神灵做神的旨意像耶稣。知道了,我可以有耐心,仁爱,和平地传扬福音为彼此担当,活出福音。
虽然我是新来不久也不是委员我领域到神想要的活出福音。在营会有四堂课,里面每一堂会有小组分享我第一次与教会家人去营会。在今年这营主题“活出福音” 处于加拉太书2:20让我明白. 我们在为神工作不是自己。虽然我是新来不久也不是委员我领域到神想要的活出福音。
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