By Jayden Khoo

On May 25, Impactors gathered at Studio One for the “Cooking with Ajumma” event. There were 6 groups and each team member had to gather the ingredients and tools necessary to make a Korean pancake. Each group had 2 seniors from JOY ministry to assist and coach us on how to make the pancake

After the cooking, all groups turned in their pancakes to the 3 Judges who were: Princess Kim Jun Ah, Kim Si La (Pastor Priscilla), and Kim Di Ki (Rev. Dicky). At the end, after the judges had a bite of the 6 different pancakes, my group (comprising Kendrick, Kaylee, Kaitlyn and me) won. Our prizes were seaweed and grape jelly!

I learned from the seniors how to shred carrots and slice vegetables. My other group members were Kendrick, Kaylee and Kaitlyn. Kendrick did most of the cooking as he was confident with handling the pan. Kaylee and Kaitlyn were the slicing duo, helping to cut vegetables and fruit. I, on the other hand, shred carrots and assisted Kendrick in the cooking.

I enjoyed the experience with the seniors, learning how to shred carrots the right way and the careful way.

It was tough getting the pancake to look good as our group had many failed attempts. In the end our group succeeded in impressing the judges and won.

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📨 Do you know someone between 13 and 17 years old? Invite them to join Impact Youth, an inspiring community that excels, excites and loves.

🤝 Are you interested in serving the young people? Impact needs young adults who are willing to invest in young lives and journey with them. Contact Pastor Priscilla if you’re keen.