By Kayden Tan, Impact Youth Camp 2024 Participant

I thought Impact Camp was going to be boring and it was just gonna be about listening to a bunch of motivational talks. But it turned out to be something else.

My favourite moment of the camp was ministry night. It was so memorable and I’m very thankful for friends & facilitators who prayed for me. I was able to let out all my emotions that night. What a relief to be able to release all my burdens to God that night.

I also managed to grow closer to God and became more curious about who God really is. I was quite sad after the camp because it ended so fast. I’m so grateful for the people I met during camp 🙂 I still don’t know what made me join camp but it was good:)

After the camp, I decided to deepen my faith in God by doing daily devotion. I have also started to have a devotion group with my friend and Impact facilitator. The 3 of us meet up weekly before Impact Youth on Saturdays to discuss the devotion plan we are doing together, and catching up on one another’s life. Sometimes, we discuss the Christian contents we view on social media, such as Tiktok, Instagram or YouTube. 

As I continue to learn more about God and grow, I’m trying to understand the different world views of Christianity and discovering for myself what Christianity truly means to me.

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💻 Watch the highlights of the camp.

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