By Poay Ling, a single mother and an educator

Wait! PJEFC’s Lent Morning Prayer is available on Zoom?! YAY! 

I had wanted to join the Lent morning prayer since I heard the announcement during the Sunday worship service, and was excited that it would be via Zoom, only a click away! So, I joined all the morning prayer gatherings while driving my boy to kindergarten and to work. 

During good times, praise the Lord, bless others and pray more. At hard and dry times, continue to praise the Lord, share one another’s burden and pray even more. This attitude helped me to stay committed to the Lent morning prayer time. 

As we spent time praying for one another, I became more motivated in the morning even before the day began. Praying together helped me to appreciate God’s love for us and His sovereign control over our lives. The morning prayer time was so meaningful. Joy and peace filled me whenever we prayed for one another. The joy doubled when people shared their answered prayers. Truly, God’s love for us is unconditional and nothing is too big or too small for His care. 

Lastly, I want to thank PJEFC’s pastors, leaders and members for their care and love. Thank you for praying and caring for my son and me, even over the smallest challenge we face. I truly hope to have weekly or more Zoom morning prayer meetings, and hope that more people will join.

Get Involved

🌱 Grow in your spiritual life by joining corporate prayer.

💭 If you’re a fellow attendee at prayer meetings, reflect on how God meets you as we pray together.