By Chanice Chong, PJEFC Staff

Why do I feel it’s important to take care of His creation?

If my heavenly Father has created this beautiful world for us to live in, I feel that it is important for me to take care of His creation, including the earth and those who live in it just as it is stated in Genesis 1:26.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

“Wow! It’s so HOT!” 

“Oh! It’s flooded again!” 

Familiar with these phrases? What if I, as an individual, can do something that might help to improve the environment?

Better environment means a better life. There are many countries that are suffering from the lack of clean water, extreme temperature, etc.

Here are some ways that I care for His creation.


At home, I have a recycle bin that keeps all the recycled items, such as milk carton boxes, empty test kit boxes, receipts and empty food cans.

In our office pantry, we have recycle bins that allow the staff to recycle used paper or items instead of throwing them into the rubbish bin.

Once in a while, I will send all the recycled items to the NGO that collects recycled items so they can sell them to raise funds.

Bring Your Own (BYO)

On the first and third Sunday of the month when the Holy Communion is conducted, I usually bring my own Holy Communion elements to the onsite church. I’d bring bread in a small container and drink from my water bottle.

All my handbags have a foldable recycle bag to store the stuff I buy. I also keep some bigger recycle bags in the car. This way, I save about 3 plastic bags each week. I’m also trying to minimise my grocery purchases.

I bring my own container to tapau (take away) food. On average, if I pack five meals a week, I can save 240 containers from going to the landfill and this is for just one person’s consumption!!! 

My Hopes

Therefore, I hope you can see the impact that an individual can make in saving the environment.

If everyone does his/her bit, we can make a big impact.

Get Involved

♻️ Start collecting cleaned plastic water bottles for the challenge during the Disciple-Making Month in July.

🫓🍷 BYO Holy Communion elements every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.

🛍️ Give a foldable recycle bag to a stranger in line and help reduce one or two plastic bags while saving him/her 20 sen for each plastic bag.