It was a long desired trip for every member to go for this 2D/1N-retreat. Thirteen of us from the Alpha CG geared up for the journey to Indigo Hill Resort in Raub. We were greeted by a Hilux four-wheel drive up the hill. It was adventurous, exciting and rough-riding for the first-timers among us.
The main objective for this retreat is to bond and get to know one another well and draw closer to God. Lih Mei, our CG leader, was absolutely thrilled that we achieved this goal. During the retreat, she was overwhelmed by the peace and serenity of the retreat venue – a conducive environment for the members to relax, fellowship and pray.
The feedback from the others was equally encouraging:
Hsiao Yen: It was fun and refreshing. Fellowship was so heart-warming and we got to know one another so much more through the games of cards (Chat in a Box and But Honestly). I felt recharged after the retreat.
Donnie: I’ve always gone on trips and vacation with family members. This is the first time I was on a trip with others. At first, I was fearful and unsure about going but it turned out to be good, fun and satisfying.
Chee Yen : I was glad to find a quiet and peaceful place to pray.
Melinda: It was good fellowship and I enjoyed the Hilux ride. Thank God I was able to go for the retreat. The fellowship was so good and sincere.
To sum up, this retreat brought us closer to one another. We could feel God’s love everywhere. We hope to have more regular retreats to foster a stronger bond with one another and to encourage ourselves to commit to God wholeheartedly.

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