17 March 2024, Sunday
11.15 AM
Heritage Auditorium / Zoom
To save trees, you can download the AGM report.
Registered members,
Please appoint a proxy if you are unable to attend.
Each member can stand as proxy for one person only.
Proxy forms are available at i-counter, church office or for download.
Please submit completed forms to i-counter, church office, or petalingjayaefc@gmail.com by 12 March 2024, Tuesday.
To save trees, you can download the AGM report when it is available.
To save trees, you can download the AGM report.
For a printed copy, please email petalingjayaefc@gmail.com by 3 March 2024, Sunday.
Members and Observers attending online and onsite need to submit their registration form by 12 March 2024.
If you’re registering for multiple individuals and planning to join the AGM meeting on separate devices e.g. laptop, mobile phone, please submit one registration per device.
A unique Zoom link will only be sent to Person 1’s registered email.